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For your Future
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What to Do If You’re Arrested for DUI in California: Step-by-Step Guide

Author name: Patrick Silva, Attorneys at Law

What to Do If You’re Arrested for DUI in California: Step-by-Step Guide

Being arrested for driving drunk can make anyone feel concerned about what the future might hold. DUIs are serious and can result in jail time, driver’s license suspension, and steep fines, so it makes sense to worry about how this charge will affect you. However, you’re more in control of your case than you realize, […]

What to Do If You’re Arrested for DUI in California: Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

DUI Expungement in California: Clearing Your Record for a Fresh Start

If you were convicted of driving under the influence in California, your life was likely affected in many ways. From costly fines and DUI school to license suspension and jail time, a first-offense DUI results in a variety of penalties. But now that you’ve completed your sentence, you may wonder when you’ll stop paying the

DUI Expungement in California: Clearing Your Record for a Fresh Start Read More »

California DUI and Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL): What You Must Know

If you were charged with driving under the influence, you may be worried about penalties that could include fines, jail, and driver’s license suspension. But if you have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), you’re likely worried about job loss, as well. That’s because you can’t drive a commercial vehicle while your CDL is suspended, so

California DUI and Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL): What You Must Know Read More »


DUI MARIJUANA Since the passage of Proposition 215 we as DUI Lawyers have seen a rise in the prosecution of DUI Marijuana ​Marijuana DUI Success Stories Kevin was charged with a 2nd time dui claiming he was under the influence of marijuana while still on probation for his first dui. We fought the case all


Will the DMV reinstate my drivers license​​ as soon as I enroll in an SB38 program?

Hello this is Attorney Patrick Silva with another answer to one of your fequently asked questions. Recently we were asked will California DMV reinstate my license as soon as I enroll in an SB38 class or wait until completion. The depends on alot of factors but lets go through the general rule. if this a

Will the DMV reinstate my drivers license​​ as soon as I enroll in an SB38 program? Read More »