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What are the first step after getting released from being arrested for a Dui?

Author name: Patrick Silva, Attorneys at Law

What are the first step after getting released from being arrested for a Dui?

Hello this Attorney Patrick Silva with another answer to one of your frequently asked questions, recently I was asked what are my first steps after getting released from being arrest from a Dui? Probably the very first thing that you want to do is call the DMV Drivers Safety what you are going to do […]

What are the first step after getting released from being arrested for a Dui? Read More »

California DUI: What are Pre-trial Procedures?

What happens between arrest and trial? What are pre-trial proceedings? Pre-trial proceedings are court procedures that allow the parties (the defendant and the state) to review and exchange evidence and information. This back-and-forth (as well as the underlying procedural rules) make for a more efficient handling of DUI cases as well as stronger likelihood of

California DUI: What are Pre-trial Procedures? Read More »

It’s a great day in an attorneys life when I have the chance and opportunity to give back to one of our service men or women

Recently one of my client we just call her Mrs X she’s a very nice person served our country diligently and experienced some P.T.S.D. from her service years. She got caught up in a DUI with an alleged .24 blood allegation. Through the process of Military Diversion knowing the laws, knowing the new laws and

It’s a great day in an attorneys life when I have the chance and opportunity to give back to one of our service men or women Read More »

If I don’t complete my SB38 or other required court penalties will I go to jail?

I was recently convicted of 2nd dui in CA. , supposed to do SB38, install interlock ignition device for 12 months, and AA classes, along with 28 days hard labor. I was approved by judge to relocate to Alabama. I have zero interest in ever driving or visiting CA again. Can I get an Alabama

If I don’t complete my SB38 or other required court penalties will I go to jail? Read More »